Friday, February 26, 2010


When I posted the Vigilante image some time before, I neglected to put up the fine Superman symbol that went along with it! Time to fix that. To see the original cover, check out the link.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


During her stay in Adventure Comics, the Maid of Steel seemed to have a variety of costumes, some of which were reflected in her corner symbols. Unfortunately, that was not the case with this cover for Adventure Comics #415, but you can still check out the original cover here:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Adam Warlock

Who else but Mighty Marvel would put their gold-skinned hero, Adam Warlock, against a pea-green background? Subdued symbol courtesy of The Power of Warlock #2.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Vision

I saw this article at Giant-Size Marvel, discussing the Vision and his status as the standard bearer of The Avengers. It reminded me of how much I really enjoyed the character. So, here's a corner symbol from Avengers #106, one of the issues I definitely remember reading when I was a wee lad.

The Beast!

This Beast corner symbol comes from the immortal Marvel Team-Up #38. In actuality, the image is a retouched version the Beast as he appears on Avengers #137. Check it out and judge for yourself!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Not an official corner image, I know. Storm never appeared in a team-up mag without her fellow X-Men, so when I came across this image at an Arthur Adams fansite, I knew I had to bring the image over here for some wishful thinking!

How cool would it be to have an issue or two of Black Panther with T'challa and Ororo featured prominently at the top with some nifty corner symbolage?


How often do you get to see a corner symbol of Hawkeye? Not often enough, I bet! This one's from Marvel Team-Up #22!